New Orleans launches website to help public understand smoking ordinance
Mar. 20, 2015
New Orleans launched a website Friday to educate the public on the new smoke-free ordinance that goes into effect April 22. The new ordinance will restrict smoking and using electronic smoking devices in many locations throughout the city.
The ordinance includes most bars, restaurants, casinos and workplaces.
The New Orleans Health Department said the website is the beginning of a public awareness campaigned aimed at educating the public on the new ordinance.
“Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. This smoke-free ordinance will protect the public's health by reducing exposure to secondhand smoke and encouraging smokers to quit,” said Charlotte Parent, director of the New Orleans Department of Health
The health department will also partner with 'Healthier Air For All' to distribute a letter to every business in New Orleans announcing the website and encouraging business owners to register for a free toolkit that will help them comply with the ordinance. The kit will include a fact sheet and description of the ordinance, signage to be posted in businesses, educational materials and resources for quitting smoking.
The website can be viewed at
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