Education Resources

There are innumerable reports, briefs, and data sheets that outline the effects of tobacco use on air quality, the economy and business models, health, and much more.

TFL has conducted and research on these topics and made it available here. The better educated the people of Louisiana are about the effect of tobacco on their lives, the more support there will be for a tobacco-free Louisiana.

Youth & Young Adult

Tobacco usage among youth and young adult populations is changing. Cigarette usage is declining, but e-cigarette usage has seen dramatic increases in usage among both middle school and high school age students.

Secondhand Smoke

Tobacco smoke is full of chemicals and carcinogens that can be dangerous to smokers and non-smokers (including adults and children). When non-smokers are exposed to tobacco smoke, it is referred to as secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke research the health and economic impacts of secondhand smoke on our communities, family members and friends.


Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the U.S. and greatly affects Louisiana, as well quitting smoking and using tobacco products can reduce the number tobacco-related illnesses and deaths.

Priority Populations

There are several populations of people in Louisiana who disproportionately use tobacco products, putting them at greater risks for tobacco-related health problems. TFL focuses on research these communities so we can provide better resources to assist these individuals with cessation and understanding health implications of using tobacco. TFL’s priority populations include African American adults, LBGTQ+ individuals, individuals experiencing behavioral / mental health issues, individuals experiencing low socioeconomic status, and entertainment/hospitality workers.

Statewide Coordination

Fighting to make changes is hard work and doing it alone is rarely effective. It takes organization and a coalition of partners to present a united front. TFL does research to support these efforts as well evaluate the effectiveness of such work.

Impacts of Tobacco Use

Tobacco Facts

Billions of dollars are spent on marketing tobacco in the US. As sales of tobacco increase, Americans spend billions of dollars on healthcare for tobacco-related illness, reduced efficiency, and mitigating the effects of secondhand smoke.

E-Cig Use

E-Cigarettes have become widely adopted and accepted as a less dangerous alternative to smoking. Unfortunately, E-cigs are also very addictive, and contain dangerous amounts of nicotine and carcinogens that are just as harmful as traditional cigarettes.